Message: LAC share price is allergic to "Good News" A case of a bad immune response to "Good News"

Just take the following post, that I originally posted earlier on TOB, as a symptomatic expression of immense frustration with the share price movement regarding LAC. Take it with a grain of salt, but really... maybe we are just in need of some "really Bad News"? Since "Good News" turns out to be "Bad News" for the LAC share price. Just some mindless jibberish, the fleeting thoughts of a pickled brain... or is it? Wouldn't it just be "Super!" to see LAC have some really, really "Great News" and have this followed up by a 10 or 20% increase in the share price? My radio news caster today announced that today was a "Market Rally" for the NASDAQ. Guess he doesn't invest in LAC, eh?




Is LAC stock immune to "Good News"?



It almost seems that those of us invested in LAC should be wishing for "Bad News" as a possible remedy for the malady of LAC stock rebounding with either a decline or a tepid stagnation after the release of "Good News" about LAC. Today LAC closed DOWN 26 cents USD on the NASDAQ, a day after the news was released that the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals turned down a challenge by some Native American groups and some Environmental Activists that wanted to shut down construction at Thacker Pass.



I am not sarcastically suggesting that LAC has a "Bad News Deficit", however if you look at what happens to the share price after supposedly "Good News", actually "GREAT News", then maybe we, as LAC stock owners, should be praying for a good dose of really "Bad News" about LAC?



OK, I realize many will label me an "LAC Bear" for suggesting what seems, on the surface, to be a contradiction in logic, but I challenge you, or myself for that matter, to point out the last time LAC had really, honest to goodness, "Good News" followed by a truly immediate share price significant jump UP that was sustained for more than 10 days. Start with the decision of Judge Miranda Du and look at what happened to the share price with that piece of "Good News".



I don't like Bear Dumpers on this message board any more than any other long time LAC stock holder, but regarding LAC, "Truth Hurts", and the truth is:



Good News results in nothing bad Bad News for the LAC stock price.

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