Message: When-issued tickers

Euphoria gone?  Well, duh!  On the other hand, we are in October and we have a disgrace for a Congress, questions about our President and a former President with both criminal and civil charges to face, a border in the U.S. that inevitably brings up the comparison with that old saw:  "Screen Door in a Submarine".  We have a Federal Open Market Committee whose members meet 8 times a year (7 times too many!) and those 7 members of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System pontificate the latest and, in their view "greatest", prognostication for which way the wind is blowing and simultaneously try to huff and puff and change the direction of that wind.  We have a deteriorating geopolitical situation in South American and in our relations with some of our biggest trading partners, Mexico and China.  Our political stress on Sino-American relatons is about at the boiling point and we have North Korea and Iran orgasmic in their daily efforts to out do each other on achieving greater and greater anti-American aspirations and goals.


What could possibly be wrong?


Well, as far as the direction that Lithium demand is going there may be some light at the end of the train tunnel, if we consider that tunnel in the short term.  Demand for automobiles peakes in the Spring and Summer and here we are in October.  Freezing temps might just apply to BEV demand for the next several months as it does to the temperature, but every Spring for the past countless years into antiquity and beyond the sun comes out to play in the Spring and early Summer.  There is no reason to expect that BEV demand won't also rise, just like unbaked bread on top of the stove before you put it in the oven, and we will see a positive demand increase for Lithium Carbonate and Lithium Hydroxide "soon", as long as "soon" refers to next Spring.

As seasoned LAC investors, and no also newbie LAAC investors, we shoulb be seasoned to the concept of prestidigitaion and procrastination.  We have had years of experience in the "Waiting Room" just knowing that the baby is about to be delivered..... "soon".

Now in regard to 2027 or 2030 or beyond.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but this old guy may not be above ground when all that finally comes around.  I "hope", what a terrible concept, that Spring of 2024 allows these seeds planted 15 to 20 years ago to get beyond germination and bear some dam fruit for a change!  (Spelling altered to appease the Powers that Be)

What a concept!!

Okiedo.... make that Old Okiedo and getting older every minute.

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