Message: Not so great news

This supports my earlier contention that the present shift is from BEVs to Hybrids as a bridging technology, however I believe that this is an intermediary step and that ultimately the pendulum will swing back toward all BEVs.  The factors that will determine that pendulum swing will include continued advances in Lithium battery technology that address concerns over range, power density, energy density, safety and cost.  Changes in all those parameters and more have not stopped and continue to be developed toward commercialization and will ultimately have a positive influence on demand for lithum.

Progress in any field is rarely straight line and this current set back in demand for BEVs is just an example of the non linear forward progression as applied to lithium batteries.  One other factor in helping the pendulum swing back in favor of BEVs will be the future, hopefully not "long" into the future, availability of less expensive BEVs.  That factor, combined with the continuing technological improvements in Lithium batteries (especially SSB, Solid State Lithium batteries) will be the impetus for improved BEV demand in the West.



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