Message: Sage Grouse and Sage Brush

Biden’s 30 x 30 Plan: A Roadmap to Restore the Sagebrush Steppe | Audubon

Celebrating Sagebrush: The West's Most Important Native Plant | Audubon

Greater Sage-Grouse | Audubon Field Guide

The president also directed federal agencies to review and potentially overturn more than 100 Trump-era policies that the new administration says “were harmful to public health, damaging to the environment, unsupported by the best available science, or otherwise not in the national interest.” Those include significant measures related to wildlife protection, including a rule that sharply curtailed the reach of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, others that weakened the Endangered Species Act, and land-management plans that stripped protection for the imperiled Greater Sage-Grouse across millions of acres of its shrinking habitat

The above snipet is from:  Biden Wields His Pen on Day One to Reverse Trump's Environmental Rollbacks | Audubon

In Nevada:  


Nevada protected game bird.

An old article from the Nevada Department of Wildlife:  Nevada Department of Wildlife (



I do not know what force in law, if any, this decade old document has regarding the development of new mining sites in Nevada, but just a few of the statements from this long and obtuse document illustrate the kind of proscriptions placed on at least some forms of alternative energy and on oil and gas development in Nevada back in 2010 do illustrate the "possibilities".  Perhaps someone else has more up to date information on whether or not this 2010 document still places constraints on energy development here in Nevada.  The link to the document:  Energy and Infrastructure Developments Standards to Conserve Greater Sage-grouse.pdf (


Examples from the document:


1. Where sage-grouse populations are non-migratory energy facilities should not be constructed within 3 miles of the nearest active lek site (see Chapter 1, Section C). 2. Where populations of sage-grouse are considered migratory, energy facilities should not be constructed within 3 miles of the nearest active lek location and should not be sited within the associated nesting habitat for that particular population. 3. If construction within 3 miles of an active sage-grouse lek is absolutely unavoidable, conduct construction activities from 15 July to 30 November to avoid disturbing sage-grouse during the breeding, nesting, early brood rearing and winter periods. a. If pumping stations are placed within 3 miles of an active lek, consideration should be given, and attempts made to place these features in an area where noise would least impact the actual lek using topography to help mask noise. 4. Avoid practices that remove sagebrush cover in these habitat categories as they may be the most important areas to sage-grouse using these habitats. 5. No development or infrastructure features should be placed within 0.6 miles (1 km) of identified late brood rearing habitats, especially meadow complexes and springs. These features can provide a competitive advantage for avian predators; therefore increasing sage-grouse mortality during a period when birds may be susceptible. 


The next document is more up to date (2019) and is definitive food for the obsessive compulsive individual who loves to swim in the waters of minutiae.  I skimmed through it as fast as I could looking for some reference to the mining industry.  I think maybe pages 106,107 and 108 are about as close to filling that bill as possible but in a peripheral manner.  Seriously, had Dante known about this document he would have created a new and deeper level in his "Inferno" as level #10 for people who were forced to read all of this document.. so it is for reference only:

2019 Nevada Greater Sage-grouse Conservation Plan (

Remember:  I warned you ahead of time.  More than you will ever want to know about Nevada and the Sage Grouse.


And a later document from the BLM:  EplanningUi (



OK   "That's all I can stands, I can't stands no more"!!  (Credit to Popeye the Sailor Man) 

 (377) Popeye Thats all I can stands I cant stands no more - YouTube


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