Message: Re: Correction.

Feb 17, 2021 09:05AM

A good article, Cal.  It certainly isn't a monolithic approach to looking for one single causative factor like most of the new articles out today regarding the situation in Texas.  It actually looks at multiple contributing factors.


“The financial incentive isn’t there to harden that infrastructure,” he added. “From a generator perspective, the only incentive is to bring energy to market as cheaply as possible.”


Part of that infrastructure that doesn't have the necessary financial incentive in Texas involves the construction and maintenance of "Peaker Plants" that would, in other states, take up the slack for electricity production.  

So, many Conservative commentors are crowing about how the present situation in Texas is all due to the emphasis in Texas on developing alternative energy at the expense of fossil fuel based generation.  The actual causes are, as this article reliably points out, multifactorial. 

Those fossil fuel generation plants in Texas had problems of their own during the current severe cold snap in Texas.  The lack of sufficient fossil fuel based Peaker Plants was only one of many factors contributing to this major calamity, but it was an important contribution.  

I think this article, Cal, just cements your previous statements about the need for all electricity generation sources in order to form the best mix to keep the grid operational.  There were multiple failure points in Texas... lots of mistakes to go around and ultimately, as the article pointed out, the infrastructure wasn't hardened in Texas so that failure was a foregone conclusion... just waiting for conditions severe enough to cause the house of cards in Texas to fall down.

Feb 18, 2021 09:25AM

Feb 18, 2021 10:38AM
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