Message: The Next Move... prognositication or fantasy? Coming attraction at Thacker Pass Permanent Protest Encampment... well, it could happen!

Sorry about all of the spelling errors.  I tend to make quite a few when I write something in a hurry.  Below is the corrected version.  Hope I got at least most of those spelling errors corrected.  Obviously I was being quite sarcastic in my post, but I hope that doesn't draw attention away from the fact that I truly do believe that those at Thacker Pass who, for whatever reasons are opposing the effort of LAC to develop a lithium mine at Thacer Pass, will surely move on to the next phase of that opposition and draw some well known individual or well known individuals into their effort in order to provide more visibility to their cause.  If I were amongst the protestors, that is exactly what I would do.   Okiedo


he Next Move... prognositication or fantasy? Coming attraction at Thacker Pass Permanent Protest Encampment... well, it could happen!

posted on May 10, 2021 03:06PM

What follows is only a figment of my imagination at this point and, as such, it doesn't belong over on the "Discussion Forum".  I hypothesized about "What If?" in regards to the "Thacker Pass Permanent protest Encampment" and what might be the future next move in order to turn up the temperature by this small army of pseudo-enlightened Don Quixote inspired, dedicated visionaries who portend to alturistically pursue only their espoused goal of preventing LAC from ever converting a proposed lithium mine site at Thacker Pass, Humboldt County, Nevada into a working lithium clay mine to produce commercial quantities of lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide.  Bear with me while I put on paper what I believe must be their "next move" in this ongoing chess game of progressive obstruction vs constructive production of a nationally needed and localy available resource.

Below are the links to a couple of anti-LAC inspired leading sources:

The Green Flame Podcast: Protect Thacker Pass [Dispatches from Thacker Pass] (

Stop Thacker Pass Mine | Nevada Lithium Mine (

The "Green Flame Podcast" almost sounds like a paramilitary operation when it uses the terminology:  "Dispatches from Thacker Pass".  Makes it kind of sound like they are in a war zone and are putting on the armament to engage the enemy... meaning LAC, and by inference anyone invested in a positive future for LAC... that would be you and me!  Dispatches!!!!

Try this one on for size from 5 April 2021:


Protect Thacker Pass with activists Max Wilbert, Will Falk and Rebecca Wildbear

The Green Flame Podcast: Protect Thacker Pass [Dispatches from Thacker Pass]

 – what would be the United States’ largest lithium mine, supplying up to 25% of the world’s lithium – launched a permanent protest encampment hours after the Bureau of Land Management gave final approval to the mine on January 15.

The Green Flame brings you the voices of land protectors Will Falk and Max Wilbert who mean to stay for as long as it takes to protect this old-growth sagebrush mountainside despite winter conditions at Thacker Pass. Rebecca Wildbear, river and soul guide, lover of the wild, joins us in honoring and calling for defense of the Great Basin, Thacker Pass and the whole of wild creation. Many thanks to Green Flame sound editor Iona and to the many non-human voices – Golden Eagle, Coyote, and Greater Sage Grouse – speaking to us in this Protect Thacker Pass episode of the Green Flame.


Notice that we are not just dealing with people who have an honest disgreement regarding the construction of a lithium clay mine in Humboldt County, Nevada, we are dealing with "Activists aiming to stop Lithium Americas’ Thacker Pass open-pit lithium mine" who bring you " the voices of land protectors Will Falk and Max Wilbert who mean to stay for as long as it takes to protect this old-growth sagebrush mountainside despite winter conditions at Thacker Pass".

Don Quixote would have been very, very proud even though those "winter conditions" will soon be a thing of the past and they will have to update their prose to reflect those unbearable "summer conditions" at Thacker Pass.  Well, that is no problem.  Copy is easily transformed by any self respecting "land protector" to meet changing conditions and windmills are where you find them so you joust accordingly and "adapt and adjust" your press release as circumstances change.

So, back to my prognostication regarding this small army of altruistic "land protector" souls only motivated by the desire to protect the rest of the public against the evil mining interests, even though not all of the public seeks such protection.

If I were Will Falk and/or Max Wilbert, then my "next move" would be to locate a susceptible, pliable and willing Hollywood and or other "celebrity" so that said luminary can provide a greater degree of press coverage to the dedicated army at Thacker Pass than could ever be achieved alone by the likes of only Will Falk, Max Wilbert and... what was her name ?... on yeah, Rebecca Wildbear. 

Not that these 3 are not well known in a small pond sense, but the value of having a genuine "celebrity" is self evident to any good or bad cause in order to gain more time on the evening news service or what in present day passes for journalism, despite the fact that such service defies any semblance of providing information since most now are more efficient at providing propaganda.  But I digress, and that is another story.

OK, Max and Will, start thinking about finding some Hollywood or Political or Sports "celebrity" that is faux Native American ( OK, they would have to be at least 1:3000 to make the tribal roles... so let's make them "Cherokee", where tribal roles are the most accomodating to expand the definition of what constitutes being a Native American ).  Put them on a private jet and send them to the Reno Regional Airport where they would be transported via a stretch limo out to the "encampment" at Thacker Pass, but first be sure to call all of the local TV, Radio and Print personna to enshrine their arrival (via the airwaves and somewhere in print on the pages to be destined for the bottom of the bird cage lining) in the eyes of the public.  It would do no good to have a "genuine celebrity" show up without due notice of all who professed to be "journalists".  To not have the "journalists" present at such an important event would be the same as throwing a picnic and not bringing the food!  Ridiculous.  This way we get both the food and the ants.

We want the "journalists" to sweep under the rug any reference to the transportation used by the big "celebrity" since we don't want to draw attention to the high carbon footprint of that private jet, nor do we want to focus on the celebrity's blood diamond jewelry or Italian "moccasin" shoes.  No, siree!  Keep the cameras and reporters away from that focus.  The important thing to focus on is the solidarity that the celebrity brother or sister provides to the "Activists aiming to stop Lithium Americas’ Thacker Pass open-pit lithium mine"! 

We don't want to mention that after the short welcoming ceremony at the Thacker Pass Activist Encampment and tour of same ( how long does it take to tour a bunch of tents out in the middle of nowhere? ) that Mr/Miss/Mrs/No Gender Designation will step back into that stretch limo ( high carbon footprint again ) and be luxuriously transported back to the Reno Regional Airport while sipping some high priced wine or engaging in some other recreational activity only to quickly step back into their private jet ( Very high carbon footprint! ) and return back to "Dreamland" so that they can quickly put the whole thing behind them and go onto the next social justice demand for their limited resources that is the cause celebri of the moment, as long as that cause sufficiently elevates their position in the public eye, provides tons of publicity photo opportunities and helps keep the cash rolling in. 

They will soon be back in their high dollar celebrity residence and driving either their disposable $250,000 Tesla Roadster or their $4.5 million Lamborghini Veneno Roadster ( not quite so "disposable" ).  Of course, the crew out at the Thacker Pass encampment won't be nearly so well provided in the area of transportation, but that is the sacrifice you must make if you are going to fight against the evils of mining while eliciting the help of the "celebrity" class.  You have to be prepared to accept the hypocracy of the pseudo-sophisticated celebrity class that retains static minded devotion to anything that gets their name mentioned by the media, regardless of the worthiness or unworthiness of the cause.

Ok, I have used a ton of "poetic license" here in my description of what I think is the "next move" by Will, Max and Rebecca.  I admit that I have embellished some in my description, but I remain stedfast to the prognostication that the Thacker Pass Three will soon be bringing in the heavy artillery and that in substance, my prediction of events will not be far off the mark. 

Time will tell, but be prepared sometime this summer ( call it "Coming Attractions" ) for the inevitable invasion of the body snatchers, er...... make that "invasion of the Hollywood riff raff" at Thacker Pass.  It will happen!!!   

 Best to all of you dedicated LAC investors. 

Today has not been a banner day for those invested in LAC, but better days are ahead once we get through all of the "Drama Queen" stuff.  That isn't to say that LAC should in anyway dispose of their very serious efforts to connect with and appease legitimate concerns about the future mine at Thacker Pass.  There are, as has been opined here on this Hub by several contributors over and over again, legitimate concerns about water quality that must continue to be addressed by Jon Evans, Alexi Zawadzki and all of the managemet and Board of Directors at Lithium Americas.  They must continue to extend themselves out to those with legitimate concerns, those who will truly be affected by the proposed mine at Thacker Pass. 

I don't include the "Hollywood Elite" in that population segment where an extension by LAC is warranted since I attribute their efforts more in line with self interest and devoid of what truly is their falsely professed altruism.  The same caveat applies to at least some, definitely NOT all, of those who have girded themselves in the armament of being an "Activist".

Thanks for entertaining my prognostications!  Okiedo

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