Message: Re: Rhodes Post... moved over from the Discussion Forum

rkeeb: "Just curious, I don't think I've ever seen posts from this author. Do you know why that would be? Do you guys delete him right away?"

Let me take a crack at that question, rkeeb.  Pavel and JDubski are both serving in the capacity of Agoracom "Hub Leaders" when a particular post is made here on this Hub that engenders scrutiny that suggests the post is in violation of one or more of the "6 Rules" that all members agree to adhere to here on this Hub.

I wasn't monitoring the Hub when Rhodes posted several different posts that had absolutely nothing to do with Lithium Americas, lithium mining, lithium products or anything related to lithium.  Thankfully, not only did JDubski and Pavel do their jobs as Hub Leaders, but our Agoracom Administrator who monitors this Hub also joined in actions that resulted in deletion of all of Rhodes posts.  So, unless you were on line and monitoring this Hub when Rhodes posted his/her completely unrelated posts you would not have ever been aware of it because of the timely act of JDubski, Pavel and our Agoracom Administrator in eliminating those posts.

This goes back to the job of being a Hub Leader, a job that both JDubski and Pavel accomplished in an admirable fashion.  The only difference is that in past occurence of these sorts of bogus and or completely unrelated posts here in the past I have delt with them as a Hub Leader in such a fashion that I did not announce that action over on the Discussion Forum.  Let me assure you that I have deleted many posts in that fashion previous to the point where JD and Pavel were selected as Hub Leaders.  This particular case with "Rhodes" is a perfect example of why this Hub needed more Hub Leaders.  As you may remember, back in March of this year I appealed to all of the membership here to submit names of those who were willing to take on the responsibility of being a Hub Leader.  

In response to that appeal Pavel, JDubski and ArchibaldXProctor responeded to that request and submitted their names as volunteers.  I forwarded their names to Agoracom Administration and here we are with 3 aditional very well qualified new Hub Leaders who are now performing exactly as they are supposed to perform and protecting this Hub from Violations of the 6 Rules.  You should know, and this goes for all the members of this Hub, that attacks occur frequently from normally those who purport to be new members of Agoracom and attempt to place posts on this Hub that are either totally unrelated to LAC, lithium mining, lithium products OR are malicious in purpose in the first place and in direct and serious Violation of the 6 Rules.  

Normally, the bulk of the members here will not be aware of the attack or the disposition of the post in question, especially if a Hub Leader or the Agoracom Administrator sees it first and disposes of the problem off of the Discussion Forum.  JDubski, Pavel and ArchibaldXProctor are still getting their "Sea Legs" under them with this new responsibility and there is no "Manual" on what to do.  This was their way of handling a bad situation that needed to be addressed.  They did a terrific job!

There is an Icon labeled "Manage Violations" that, if I am correct, is only visible to Hub Leaders.  Hub Leaders can go to that icon and enter on it at any time and it provides a record of posts that have been deleted and it also provides a way for them to view those posts and lets them know what stage of decision is being made by Agoracom Administration on the post.  I don't believe this information is available to the average member, only to the Hub Leaders.

I do believe that average members may be able to see a little flag icon adjacent to a post that is being reviewed before a final decision is made on that post by Agoracom Management.  We had a case similar just recently where a "Violation" complaint had been filed against a post by a member and there was a yellow flag adjacent to that post that later became a green flag once Agoracom Administration came to a decision that the Violation complaint was, in this case, without merit.  I think those flags may be visible to all members, but to be honest with you I am not positive of that.  

Bottom line:  the new Hub Leaders stepped up to the plate and did exactly what they were supposed to do in the case of "Rhodes".  Should "Rhodes" or anyone else attempt to post completely off the wall posts that aren'[t even remotely related to Lithium Americas again OR should this Hub again be attacked by someone taking on a new identiy, among the many they have attempted before, and try to post something blatantly in Violation of the 6 Rules ( example:  obscenity, example: disparaging personal attack on one or more members of this Hub ) then I expect that the present Hub Leaders will again intervene expeditiously and remove the offending post and even possibly boot the offender from Agoracom.  That is their job.

Hope this explains things, rkeeb.  I also hope every member will read this post so as to serve as information about how things are done and, particularly, to highlight the great job that your Hub Leaders are doing!


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