Message: Re: Violations.

Aug 01, 2021 10:19AM

Cal, normally I would reply to such a message via PM, however since all members may have interest in the general suject of "Violations" I will make a response here.

The "Manage Violations" tab, available for viewing only by Hub Leaders if I am correct, only shows "Violations" back to November of 2020 at this time.  I have no idea how to review "Violations" prior to then.  I do not know why Hub Leaders don't appear to have access to "Violations" all the way back to the inception of this Hub in April of 2020.  

You have only one "Violation" in that time period back to include November of 2020 and it has been adjudicated as "Ignore", which means it doesn't count against you.  I do not know what the decision was on the 2 others you mention.

Now, here comes the personal note on this topic.  I have many times more "Violations" on my own record, yet I am still here.  Some are in the "Ignore" category and some are not.  My time line here on Agoracom started back in 2008, so I have been here now for 13 years on one Agoracom Hub or another.  It is possible for anyone over a 13 year period to collect some speeding tickets and I have definitely had lapses where my speed was over the limit.

My point is:  There are different types of "Violations", as best as I can interpret the thing.  I don't know what the "Official" view is, but by my own personal experience I can say that for some you get a slap on the wrist and for the more serious and blatant "Violations" there is always the risk of expulsion from Agoracom.

Please note, ALL members please note:  The first thing to think about, should you receive a "Violation" notice, is to review again the 6 Rules and ask yourself:  "Exactly which Rule of the 6 Rules did I violate?  

IF, after your review, you can not envision any way your post constituted a real "Violation" then you need to request a review of that "Violation" complaint by Agoracom Managment.  You need to send an Email to the specific member of Agoracom Management assigned to this Hub.  Any of the Hub Leaders can tell you how to do that, should that occurrence transpire.... just ask.  I don't want to put that Email address out here as a post because of the possibility of abuse of that information, but it is available to you through a Hub Leader should you need it.  If any Hub Leader does not remember that email address then they should PM me and I will send it to them.  We are most fortunate to have an Agoracom Administrator who has been very cooperative in these situations.

The next thing that individual members should consider is to PM one or more of the Hub Leaders here and ask for their assistance.  If the Hub Leader believes you have been charged with a "Violation" in error, then that Hub Leader should go to bat for you and send their own Email to our Agoracom Administrator in support of your appeal and to request that the "Violation" charged against you be adjudicated by the Agoracom Administrator as: "Ignore".  I have done that several times myself for individuals on this Hub when I believed that they were wrongly charged by another member of a "Violation".  Keep in mind, if the Hub Leader is in agreement with the member who made the "Violation" charge then that Hub Leader won't be sending any such recomendation to the Agoracom Administrator; it all depends on how that Hub Leader views your post in relationship to the 6 Rules and how that Hub Leader views your past performance on Agoracom in relationship to those 6 Rules.

The best thing for all members to remember is very simply:  Show respect for other members in all of your posts, regardless of whether you agree with their position on a particular matter.  

Stay away from Politics and Religion with your posts here on Agoracom, however with respect to "Politics" I personally believe there is an area of exception:  If that political process or event has a real, not supposed, bearing on the purpose of the Hub then you might be able to squeeze under the wire.  As for the current situation with LAC, we all know that the political and the judicial processes have a direct bearing on the future of lithium mining in general and of LAC in particular.  So, if you decide to post on a political aspect, be sure ahead of time that it is germain to LAC and/or lithium mining/lithium products, otherwise: don't post it!

It is a good idea to ask yourself:  Will one of the Hub Leaders be willing to go to bat for me and drop a note to the Agoracom Administrator if what I am considering to post is viewed by just one member of Agoracom as a "Violation"? 

Some members have a very sensitive trigger on what they view as a "Violation" as opposed to other members who never seem to be offended by posts that attempt to thread the needle.  Those members with the most sensitive triggers are the ones who are the repeat filers of "Violation" complaints.  Any member has a right to file a "Violation" complaint against any post at any time current with the post they feel has violated the 6 Rules, whether that post is a blatant and obvious to everyone "Violation" or whether it is only viewed by one person as a "Violation".

The overwhelming number of "Violation" complaints filed against members of this Hub have been legitimate, however we have had some filed that appeared to have no legitimacy on the one hand and others that were filed because someone misinterpreted the meaning or intent of another member's post.  Errors do occur in an occasional "Violation" filing... and that is where the Hub Leader needs to step in and intervene on behalf of the member who has been charged in error with a "Violation".  Hub Leaders take notice!

After all of the above discussion about this subject you might be mislead to think that "Violations" are an everyday occurence.  That would be wrong.  They don't happen often on this Hub and when they do, most often they are minor violations in the first place.  Most of the more serious "Violations" have occured because of designed attacks by malevolent people assuming new identities to hide their true identity and with a purpose of personal attack and/or sabotage to this Hub.  The second category of deliberate posting of "Violation" containing posts would be by those who have some personal or commercial message that they want posted on the Hub that has no bearing whatsoever to the purpose of the Hub.  Those are more of a nuisance category or sometimes apparently a prank.  I have often thought that those posts sometimes are a "Test" by someone with an altenative purpose just to test the quality of the monitoring of the Hub by Agoracom Administration and by the Hub Leaders... to see if we are paying attention.

So, Cal, don't worry about your 3 Violations!  No big deal, in your case.  It is past history.  Those who should worry are limited to members whose intent is to try and bend and eventually break the 6 Rules and those who start out as new Agoracom members with a false identity and whose only purpose is to sabotage the Hub.  In those situations the possibility of ejection from Agoracom is a real possibility.  For all other members that possibility is extremely low, negligible I believe.  

The whole idea of having members police their own message board is one of the strengths of Agoracom and the oversight of that process by an Agoracom Administrator is one of the safeguards to insure that the process of member review is not abused.  This is not something available on other message boards and it is an asset here on Agoracom.  It should give individual members confidence that the whole demeanor of posts here on Agoracom will remain distinct from the cacophony of personal attacks and irrelevant posts and cartoons that permeate other message boards on a daily basis.  It is that difference that brings us to Agoracom in the first place.

JMO   Okiedo

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