Message: Soil remediation at a mining site

Legume crop could help miners’ soil remediation strategies — study - MINING.COM

Emphasis on:  Phytochelatins

OK, I posted this here on Off Topic, because it obviously doesn't have a direct relationship to eithe the Cauchari-Olaroz or the proposed Thacker Pass mines... at the present.

So why post it?  Well, this article addresses one of the problems of Gold mines, since arsenic is used in gold recovery.  However, the same use of a particular chelating legume plant might be of interest for the restoration phase of any mine in the future, regardless of whether it is a gold mine or a lithium mine.  These plants are being investigated for the ability to chelate ( bind, seize, claw, etc. ) metallic compounds that otherwise would be toxic, and in the case of arsenic to be poisonous.  All mines have with it a concern about the stuff they leave behind and in the case of the proposed mine at Thacker Pass the reclamation process will be ongoing and simultaneous with the actual mining activity and won't be put off until the closure of the mine, some 46 years after the start of the mining process.  So, this may be a solution in the future for the type of mining concerns regarding the reclamatin that will be occuring at Thacker Pass.  Sure, it is a long shot, but interesting just the same.


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