Re: For a Nation, Doom & Gloom headed our way
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Apr 03, 2022 12:58PM
It's a crazy world, isn't it? The US is moving far from its roots. We are all supposed to have a label and fit into a specific box. I think the Oil Industry has been a very important step that helped us get to where we are. Amazing technologies and I'm super grateful for all the hard work and ingenuity all of which was supported by government subsidies. ICE cars and Oil, in general, are our heritage. They are in our blood. The glue to our successes. So why does this all need to be demonized? Why can't there be a convincing argument laid out which convinces the population to embrace the change from ICE to EV organically? At the turn of the 19th century, the horse was what the modern-day ICE car is today. Everyone used horses for working and travel and then Ford came along and changed everything. Of course, there were many unhappy people that resisted or even resented the change. The government didn't need to eradicate the horse to make way for the ICE vehicles. You can still own a horse today!
If you believe the world will end in 10 years then you're nuts. In the same token if you think smog in the cities has not been improved by immission controls you're also a nut. Or that EV will not additionally clean the air in cities.
I believe 95% of the population doesn't take issue with the above. Why do we need to tear down others to justify our thoughts?
Tesla is the modern-day Ford. They have made a convincing product and continue innovating. Capitalism in the US is the environment that fosters this evolution. Tesla and now others have been so convincing that now we have the entire world moving to EVs or risk being left behind.
I embraced Tesla, invested in the stock, and now own the products. I have been rewarded for participating in the dream. Personally, it was Elon Musk's mind that I followed for the investment but it's the products built by Musk and his team that convinced me to buy. As great as the ICE car has become in 100 plus years of innovation that it's now way too complicated and far too much maintenance. I have no appreciation for how the business model of car buying and car repair has evolved over the past 20 years. I have embraced the change and I love it. I am NOT a green activist in the slightest, I own many guns, hunt continuously for 4 months/year, and drive a Tesla. And I love fast smooth cars with low maintenance and a simple buying experience. Keep your ICE car but you really need to give the EV a chance. Right now Tesla has a very convincing product if you think for yourself and aren't a victim of clickbait.
If the state of Washington wants to embrace these policies then more power to them. I believe this is exactly what the constitution allows for, states' rights. The constitution also allows for others to voice their opposition. I wish the people luck in replacing the pickup truck because towing heavy objects such as a travel trailer is going to take many years to develop. And they better get more charging stations. EVs are fantastic. It's just a change that many naturally resist.
I drive a 1-ton 4x4 diesel GMC pickup truck and a Tesla M-X plaid and want to but won't put a Go Brandon sticker on the bumper. Honestly I no longer like driving my truck. Oh and I'm a white male to boot.
We are witnessing a paradigm shift in transportation and power. LAC is a great company to own which has softened the financial blow and with any luck, it will continue to produce great returns.
I am thankful every day for my health and all the free choices afforded to me. We can invest our own money! The people here at Agoracom are great contributors with amazing insights. We all come from different backgrounds with a common interest in investing (off topic) and perhaps LAC.
I have great appreciation for the respectful conversations here.