Controls 4M ounces of high-grade gold resources In The DRC

Adumbi Gold Deposit: Second Largest Gold Deposit In DRC, USD $1.3 Billion after tax valuation at a price of $ 2,000/oz gold

Message: The Small Cap Resource Company With 3 .... 3 Billion Dollar Majors As Partners. Barrick, Newmont and Resolute. Do Your DD!

The Small Cap Resource Company With 3 .... 3 Billion Dollar Majors As Partners. Barrick, Newmont and Resolute. Do Your DD!

posted on May 17, 2020 09:58AM

How many small cap resource companies do you know with 3 BILLION dollar gold producers as partners?


1.  Barrick Gold as a major JV partner 

2.  Newmont as 8% shareholder 

3.  Resolute Mining (Australia) as 26% shareholder + ROFR on all future financings

Meet Loncor Resources (LN:TSX). The DRC resource company whose main project is  200 km southwest of Barrick’s $2.5 billion Kibali gold mine, which produced over 800,000 oz of gold in 2018.

Barrick rigs are commencing drilling on several priority drill targets on Loncor JV.

Is it safe to assume Barrick has  a pretty good idea of what is possible just 200 KM's from their Kibali gold mine?

We think so .... but you should DO. YOUR. DD.

Don't say we didn't tell you so.


#gold #smallcap #tsx #investing #exploration #barrick #newmont #resolutemining #DRC


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