James Bay Lowlands & Bob Lake Saskatchewan

Yes, a BIG HIT and only more big hits are coming

Message: BMK Looks Like a Promotion

Indeed, but if you compare BMK to NOT with regards to assay, news etc. BMK is inline with there assays and news just like NOT, not enough info and not fast enough. If we had news from BMK we would only want more. lol

I agree it would be nice to keep us updated but the news we would get is not worth much anyway unless they hit the big one. Look at the NOT sp with all of the great news they have reported. I also agree that the pp hurt the sp, but we will go back up don't worry.

If you beleave in this area play not just BMK but this area then calm down and stay long. If you are in BMK for a short term ride then you should be in another stock.

If your looking for a mover today, you should get into NOT if your not already.


Long and Strong


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