James Bay Lowlands & Bob Lake Saskatchewan

Yes, a BIG HIT and only more big hits are coming

Message: BMK NEWS

Count me in as well donypee as being confused about the sudden about-face with the visuals.

The only thing I can come up with to explain this goes like this:

Perhaps they meant they wouldn't be releasing visuals to DRIVE UP THE PRICE.  Maybe they're fine with the other direction, though?

Secondly,  knowing how many people are in for a quick 2 bagger, this NR  seemingly deflates those hopes and dreams, and those folks are selling and moving on.

Think of it this way, people's expectations are in the stratosphere for the drill results, and if they disappoint, the SP will take a beating. Maybe this approach will mitigate  major selling in the event the assays are not crowd pleasers? 

Anyways, I'm still long, and I think they'll find the goods in the long run, but it's certainly bewildering the way things are proceeding.

I'd be curious to hear anyone else's opinion on the matter as well.

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