James Bay Lowlands & Bob Lake Saskatchewan

Yes, a BIG HIT and only more big hits are coming

Message: buying oppourtunity?

buying oppourtunity?

posted on Jan 21, 2008 11:11AM
alright, we've seen the bloodbath that's occured today, my god. Everyone one of my stocks was in the red, and not only in the red but just destroyed. Now would anyone suggest or think that this is a buying oppourtunity for some of the McFaulds area plays? I mean, look at NOT, BMK, SPQ, KWG....all down. What does everyone think? We're not expecting assay results now for a few weeks but do people think this is another good oppourtunity to load up? Any suggestions would help. The overall consensus of the NR today was very mixed. I understood from Coswil and Defeur that results were good, but it was just the timing of the results.
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