James Bay Lowlands & Bob Lake Saskatchewan

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Message: Indirectly/directly related to BMK - Question to hub leaders

Indirectly/directly related to BMK - Question to hub leaders

posted on Feb 21, 2008 02:25AM

I posted yesterday a message in this HUB which had to do indirectly with BMK as they are a user Diagnos' technology. It has been deleted. Quite a bit of work and research went into that post and I find myself offended that it was removed.

There were no offensive words used, no external links to trojan pages and no bashing of any kind. Just facts I've uncovered and links to support those facts which I thought other shareholders would appreciate reading. So, I don't get it.

I would appreaciate whomever deleted the message to post (or PM me) the reason(s) why it was deleted. I've reviewed Agoracon's conduct guidance and can see why it would have been removed. Hopefully this will help me (and potentially others) post better messages that are not as offensive as mine was.


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