I sent this email to the company on March 5. I am still waiting for a reply.
Dear sir/madam:
I was just wondering if you could answer a fast question for me. I cannot find any record of MacDonald Mines checking for PGE's. In particular there does not seem to have been any assays for PGE's in the core that recently returned 112 meters of .18% nickel. My understanding is that PGE mineralization is often inconspicuous and may not be accompanied by visual sulphides. I interpret this to mean that where there are sulfides in the core even if they are finely disseminated sulfides, there may very well be credible amounts of PGE's in the core particularly since these have been found in other areas of the JBL. The question then is whether or not MacDonald Mines is checking for PGE's and if these assays are pending?