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Message: Another Day!!!!!!!!!!!

Another Day!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan 20, 2010 06:32PM

I wish i could add insite to this project but i feel that we have covered all the points. If i was to speculate, i would suggest that the deal with Sino-Hydro is live and well. As a matter of fact in my speculation, i would say that Mag manag't is not that interested in other parties that may or may not have approached them. My theory is, the relationship between Mag and SH is based on multi projects that would make Magindustries a huge company and would make the Burton's hero's in the end. And the final end is ultimately about their ego's, not ours. Konor suggest a legacy, and i beleive he is on the right track. These guys have spent a decade sucking a## in the ROC, and RDC. They want the full meal deal, not half of it. Others parties can come to the table for a part of the deal(being potash) but i have a sneaky hunch that the light was seen by mang't as to the full deal with a company like SH. In similair way's that we all saw the bigger picture. So either SH comes through, or the Manag't will have to swallow their fantasy and possible dilutions of such an event occuring.

There has been talk of BNP Paribas again and here is a clip of financing for satelite phone's of all things, in the same price range as we are looking for. Keep in mind, we have hard assets:


Seems like someone around their, know's what they are doing. Maybee we should contact them for some help.LOL.
Why not debt finance ourselves and if SH wants in after the fact, then so be it. Let's go build some dame's then. Options are actually plentiful, but timing is of the essence. Finalizing financing is of the essence. If there is any assistance that managm't requires, i'm sure there are savy buisness shareholders that would be happy to lend a hand. And i will be the first to put my name in the hat.

Other than that, still long and strong.


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