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Message: Analyst coverage

Generally I don't give too much credit to analysts coverage coz most of them just do sloppy job. That said, a couple of them that cover mnkd are:-

  • Matthew Lowe : JPMorgan
  • Tazeen Ahmad : Bank of America Merrill Lynch
  • Seamus Fernandez : Leerink Swann
  • Thomas Russo : Robert W. Baird
  • Keith Markey : Griffin Securities

We all know by now Keith Markey of Griffin Securities and his preposterous bullish sentiment since way back in 2010...and in fact still maintains $14 target price. I don't mean to discount his research...but he just seems overtly bullish for my taste.

One particular name to note is Tom Russo. This guy takes the #3 top biotech stock picker for 2012 as ranked by Starmine/WSJ. This is top honors for analysts.


I particularly find it impressive that he called out MNKD with a "Sell" rating back in Jan 2011 (we were trading at $6) with a price target of $2. He was right on his call 1.5 years and rolling.

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