Sorry for the caps but I wanted to drw the readers eye to it.
Seems that a poster "henryt426" over on Yahoo attended the conference today and the following breakout session
Here is the thread link for those of you that have not read the posts is:;_ylt=Au0QMpx_CXoYWloGuZBbk._eAohG;_ylu=X3oDMTB2YmE5ZG04BHBvcwMxMgRzZWMDTWVkaWFNc2dCb2FyZHNYSFJVbHQ-;_ylg=X3oDMTBhYWM1a2sxBGxhbmcDZW4tVVM-;_ylv=3?&bn=0243242e-59fb-3abc-8d27-962c7bf26a1d&tid=1370446359833-4c170abd-a5e2-47d6-babe-ca9a47c046e6
Wondering did anyone else attend? Can you provide any additional details?
Thanks in Advance,