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Message: OT Need help Alcollard

sunlover, NOT will come back, your buy and hold strategy is an excellent one if your cost per share is low. You can go for the ride and avoid the price swings. The difference between your strategy and mine is vast, however we both have the same goal. To make money!!!

I don't dabble in anything but stocks. My hold period is much less than many other investors. However there is no wrong or right way. The stock market is a big universe there is room for all of to co-exist, and make money.

I have been amazed by reading the NOT forum, many people honestly believe the short sellers are the enemy, nothing could be farther from the truth. Personally I wouldn't short NOT but I certainly don't dislike those that do. Let me explain shorts to those that don't understand why its a good thing.  When you buy a stock you go long with the goal to sell some day and make money. So you have a buy and sell in your trading strategy. A short seller sells the stock because he/she thinks it is overvalued and will go down in price, at some point the shorter has to buy the stock to cover. This strategy has a sell and a buy in it. You see my point? Both strategies include a buy and a sell in them. They just do it in opposite ways. This provides the stock with a balance, it keeps the share price at true value. People often overlook a very important point about someone who shorts their stock...at some point that shorter has to buy to realize a profit. Much like a long has to sell to realize his.

 I sure wished you would of sold NOT in the $6's and bought back in the $3's..shoulda, woulda, and coulda. However you now should see the reasoning, in taking profits in a stock after it has run up in share price. Then buy in lower, ending up with same amount of shares, but with extra cash in the bank. More about entry and exit points at another time.



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