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Message: GOLD- The Era of "Peak" Gold has arrived....

After cutting, pasting and changing the font colour I was able to read your post.   I fully agree with the premis that gold will soar as it further decouples from the $US. Europe is slowly shifting from the almighty $US. On our trip to the UK recently one US tourist in the group was flabergasted that the coffee shop at Heathrow would not accept $US. He had to pay fo a coffee with Visa.  Accounting for true inflation in the US (not the Bush redefined one that excludes thngs like energy - read oil) the price of gold would have to reach around $1500/oz to match it's price in the 1980's.  Not to mention that the central banks have been selling gold in an effort to keep the price down and their storehouse is running low.

But almost everyone who is bullish on gold will reply, if asked about silver will say that they "are even more bullish on silver". The reasons:

Silver is consumed (in electronics for eg) not just stored or worn.

Inventories are rapidly depleating since there is more demand than production. 

I didn't mention manipulation of the markets but this fellow makes a convincing arguement that a small number (4) traders are keeping the price low. Read a few of  his postings if you want more on the subject of silver (and to a lesser extent gold)  manipulation.


I'm not abandoning my holdings in NOT however when it has run it's course possibly by next year at ths time we may be looking for other opportunities or the NOT Mexico play may take us onwards.





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