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Message: NOT NEWS


posted on Feb 19, 2008 06:28AM

NEWS - Noront Resources Ltd.: Drilling at Eagle One Further Defines Mineralization and PGE Testwork Reveals Presence of Significant Rhodium and Other Elements

Posted by: AGORACOM on February 19, 2008 11:07AM

TORONTO, ONTARIO - (Feb. 19, 2008) - Noront Resources Ltd. ("Noront") (TSX VENTURE: NOT) is pleased to announce the receipt of additional assays on hole NOT-07-20, to NOT-07-25 on its 100%-owned Eagle One occurrence within Noront's Double Eagle Project in the McFauld's Lake Area of northeastern Ontario. "Recently received platinum group element assay results have confirmed that Eagle One is enriched with Platinum group elements including; platinum, palladium, rhodium, osmium, iridium and ruthenium." states Richard Nemis, President and CEO of Noront. The two new drills "Johnny and June" under contract with Orbit Drilling have begun testing various anomalies outside of the Eagle One occurrence. Progress on this exploration work will be provided in a timely manner.


- Precious group element test-work confirms presence of rhodium, osmium, ruthenium and iridium in selected samples. Hole NOT-07-05 between 111.5 meters and 115.6 meters down-hole. This 4.1 meter section averaged 3.2% copper, 3.62% nickel, 30.2 g/t platinum, 15.95 g/t palladium, 3.3 g/t gold, 8.1 g/t silver, 0.84 g/t rhodium, 0.15 g/t osmium, 0.21 g/t iridium and 0.42 g/t ruthenium.

- Assays from holes 20 to 26 are highlighted by hole NOT-07-24 where 54.8 meters averaged 1.91% nickel. 1.26% copper, 1.31 grams/tonne platinum, 3.46 grams/tonne palladium, 0.35 grams/tonne gold and 4.2 grams/tonne silver.

- An additional six holes were completed in January and early February to fill in drill pattern on Eagle One, down-hole surveying underway to confirm drill spacing in Eagle One, prior to next round of drilling while down-hole survey crews complete surveying of existing holes.

Due to the irregular shape of the Eagle One Magmatic Massive Sulphide body, the drill intersections presented above are not true width. True width determinations will be referred to once the resource estimate is completed.


Hole NOT-07-20 was drilled to undercut hole NOT-07-19 (reported earlier). This hole entered peridotite at 17.2 meters and then went in and out of peridotite and olivine gabbro dikes until 48.6 meters, followed by peridoitite and a mafic dike to 113.9 meters. Then, well mineralized peridotite was encountered between 113.9 to 125.1 meters that averaged 0.86% nickel, 0.29% copper, 0.59 g/t platinum, 1.84 g/t palladium, along with minor gold and silver. Another mafic dike was encountered to 128.2 followed by granodiorite to the end of the hole at 144 meters.

Hole NOT-07-21 was drilled to undercut hole NOT-07-20 as described above. Similar to hole 20, this hole encountered olivine gabbro dikes and peridotite between 11.7 and 35.0 meters down-hole, then a weakly mineralized to barren peridotite was encountered to 144 meters. Well mineralized peridotite was encountered between 144 and 162 meters with a short felsic dike between 150 and 151 meters. Following this, a 12.8 meter long zone of semi-massive sulphides were encountered between 162 and 173.8 meters that averaged 1.65% nickel, 0.86% copper, 1.05 g/t platinum, 2.98 g/t palladium, 0.19 g/t gold and 3.9 g/t silver. This was followed by weakly mineralized peridotite to 174.8. A mafic dike was then intersected between 173.8 and 184 meters, followed by granodiorite to end of this hole at 183 meters.

Hole NOT-07-22 was drilled as an extension to the south, to test for continuity of the mineralized body in the southerly and down-dip direction. The hole entered granodiorite between 13.5 meters and 154.7 meters. At 154.7 the hole entered a strongly deformed and brecciated peridotite and remained in this rock unit until 209 meters when it entered an olivine gabbro. At 215.8 meters, peridotite was encountered to 222.4 followed by a short 1.1 meter wide massive sulphide section to 223.5 meters that was followed by peridotite with minor sulphides until 244.5. This 22.1 meter long section of massive sulphide and peridotite averaged 0.65 % nickel, 0.14 % copper, 0.16 g/t platinum, 1.4 g/t palladium along with anomalous gold and silver. Granodiorite was then encountered to the end of hole at 258 meters. This hole is interpreted as having just caught the bottom of the southerly plunging zone at a vertical depth of 200 meters.

Hole NOT-07-23 was drilled 37.5 meters north of hole 22 as an infill and delineation hole. After passing through 5.5 meters of overburden and limestone, this hole immediately entered peridotite (with a felsic dike) until 228.2 meters, when the hole entered granodiorite until 241.1 meters. The hole then went back into a peridotite with semi-massive sulphides between 242.4 and 243.2 meters. This section over 2.1 meters averaged 1.14% nickel, 2.1% copper, 0.93 g/t platinum, 5.78 g/t palladium, 0.17 g/t gold and 12.9 g/t silver. The hole then entered granodiorite until it was terminated at 293 meters. This hole has been interpreted as encountering the bottom of the southerly plunging zone at a vertical depth of 235 meters.

Hole NOT-07-24 was drilled to undercut discovery holes NOT-07-01 and 02. After passing through overburden, limestone to a depth of 16 meters the hole entered granodiorite and stayed in this rock unit until 65.4 meters when the hole encountered a mafic dike until 76.3 meters. The hole then reentered granodiorite until 83.1 meters. An olivine rich gabbro was then encountered between 83.1 and 100.4 meters. Peridotite was encountered between 100.4 until 119 meters down-hole. Mineralized peridotite was encountered to 140 meters, followed by net textured mineralized peridotite to 187.8 meters down-hole followed by a 2.7 meter wide massive sulphide section until 190.7 meters down-hole for a total mineralized zone width of 71.5 meters. This very wide zone averaged 1.81% nickel, 1.12% copper, 1.06 g/t platinum, 3.18 g/t palladium, 0.27 g/t gold and 3.6 g/t silver, this included a 2.7 meter wide massive sulphide section that averaged 7.07% nickel, 3.33% copper, 0.25 g/t platinum, 10.23 g/t palladium, 0.04 g/t gold and 8.9 g/t silver. The hole then entered a contact zone with the granodiorite and peridotite, in and out of granodiorite, ending in granodiorite at 233 meters.

Hole NOT-07-25 was designed to infill and delineate the Eagle One occurrence on drill section 3560 north, overcutting hole 23. This hole had azimuth directional problems due to extreme magnetic environment. The hole after passing through overburden and limestone entered granodiorite at 18 meters then entered a mafic dike between 43 meters and 52.3 meters then went back into granodiorite containing numerous mafic and felsic dikes until 252.7 meters, between 235.5 and 238.7 meters a serpentinized, black chlorite altered gabbro was encountered containing numerous fractures filled with chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite. This 3.2 meter wide section averaged 0.47% copper, 0.85% nickel, 0.32 g/t platinum, 1.53 g/t palladium as well as anomalous gold and silver values. Highly altered (serpentinized) peridotite was encountered between 252.7 meters and 277.8 meters, the hole went in and out of the peridotite and a series of thin mafic dikes until 301.5 meters. The entire peridoitite -dike section was anomalous in nickel averaging 0.11% nickel between 238.7 and 301.5 meters. At 301.5 granodiorite was encountered and the hole was stopped at 307 meters. This hole deviated severely southwards and did not encounter the expected peridotite intrusive until 252.7 meters down-hole, as opposed to the expected down-hole depth of 180.0 meters. With the exception of minor copper mineralization in the hanging wall granodiorite the hole encountered no visible sulphide mineralization to the end of the hole at 307 meters. Down-hole surveying is underway to accurately plot the path of this hole.

The above table provides local and UTM grid co-ordinates for holes mentioned in this press release, as well as some locations inadvertently omitted in last press release (dated January 29, 2008). Each of these holes was designed to provide infill or extensions (to depth and/or along strike) to known mineralization in Eagle One. All holes are currently being surveyed down-hole with light logging equipment, to provide more accuracy with respect to location of holes within the occurrence, as required for resource evaluation and modeling. This down hole survey work has just commenced.


Seven holes testing Eagle One have been completed since resuming drilling in late January, including one hole (hole 28) that was started prior to the Christmas break. A total of 6,333.6 meters in 35 holes have been drilled into this occurrence to date. Holes NOT-08-30 to NOT-08-35 totaled 866.4 meters, positions of which are identified in the above table. Assay results are pending for holes NOT-07-28, NOT-08-30 to NOT-08-35 inclusive, as well as some additional sampling completed on hole NOT-07-22, these will be reported as soon as they are available.

Hole NOT-07-26 was drilled at local grid collar location 51+74E at 10+69N with an initial azimuth of 270 degrees and an initial dip of -52 degrees. This hole encountered drilling problems due to equipment breakage (broken drill rods) and was lost at 75 meters, well short of the intended target. Hole NOT-07-26 was restarted as hole NOT-07-28 from the same collar location at -51 degrees, and was eventually completed to a final depth of 253 meters in early January 2008, assay results for hole NOT-07-28 are still outstanding. Hole NOT-07-27 and Hole NOT-07-29 details were previously released (see January 29, 2008 press release).

Hole NOT-07-28 was set at same collar location as hole NOT-07-26. After 14.8 meters of overburden and limestone, this hole entered a mafic dike until 17.8 meters. Between 17.8 and 128.1 the hole entered granodiorite, followed by an olivine rich gabbro until 140.1 meters. Variably mineralized peridotite was encountered between 140.1 to 242.2 meters, including mineralized peridotite between 169 and 175 meters, followed by net textured mineralized peridotite between 175 and 217 meters, followed by massive sulphides between 217 and 218.5 meters, then net textured peridotite from 218.5 to 223.2 meters. The latter part of the peridotite was weakly mineralized. The hole then entered granodiorite at 242.2 and remained in granodiorite until 253 meters, when the hole was stopped.

Hole NOT-08-30 was drilled at local grid collar location 11+46 N at 50+80 E with initial azimuth of 090 degrees and initial dip of -45 degrees. After passing through 12 meters of overburden and limestone the hole entered granodiorite until 12.5 meters. Several massive sulphide lenses intermingled with net textured mineralized peridotite, and thin felsic dikes were encountered between 12.5 meters and 99.5 meters, when weakly mineralized peridotite was encountered. Massive sulphide lenses included 12.5 meters to 13.5 meters, 15.8 meters to 17.8 meters, and 21.3 meters to 22 meters, the rest of this section consisted of mostly net textured mineralized peridotite. At 101.4 to 102.2 meters down-hole a fault was encountered followed by a gabbro until 111.1 meters. Granodiorite with several mafic dikes were encountered between 111.1 to the end of the hole at 298.8 meters. Mafic dikes encountered were between 151.6 and 153.6 meters, 175.3 and 178.8 meters, 216.9 and 218.3 meters and then 274.5 and 285.5 meters down-hole.

NOT-08-31 was drilled at local grid collar location 11+79 N at 52+07 E with an initial azimuth of 133 degrees and an initial dip of -45 degrees. This hole was designed to test the northeast extension of Eagle One. After 11.4 meters of overburden and limestone granodiorite was encountered until 14.1 meters. Then a mafic volcanic flow was encountered to 35.3 meters, followed by a mafic dike until 40.9 meters down-hole. Granodiorite was then encountered to the end of the hole at 101 meters. No samples were taken from this hole.

NOT-08-32 was drilled at local grid collar location 12+47 N at 49+74 E with an initial azimuth of 090 degrees and an initial dip of -45 degrees. This hole initially passed through 11.1 meters of overburden, limestone and sandstone, and then entered granodiorite with two thin mafic dikes until 182.2 meters down-hole. Massive sulphide mineralization was encountered between 182.2 to 198.7 meters, including highly altered, silicified quartz feldspar porphyry between 190.4 and 196.1 meters. The massive sulphide zone was then followed by variably mineralized peridotite and net textured peridotite until 248.2 meters down-hole when the hole entered granodiorite. The hole was stopped at 266 meters total depth.

NOT-08-33 was drilled at local grid collar location 11+23 N at 51+07 E with an initial azimuth of 090 degrees and an initial dip of -46 degrees. After drilling through 9.5 meters of overburden and limestone the hole entered peridotite until 17.2 meters, followed by a felsic dike between 17.2 and 18.5 meters then gabbro until 19.4 meters. Peridotite was then encountered between 19.4 meters and 37.3 meters, followed by another felsic dike until 40.4 meters down-hole. Variably mineralized peridotite was then encountered between 40.4 meters and 72.5 meters including net textured mineralized peridotite between 46.2 meters and 61.5 meters. At 72.5 meters granodiorite was encountered until 81.3 meters when a mafic dike was intersected until 85.4 meters, after which granodiorite was encountered to the end of the hole at 111 meters.

NOT-08-34 was drilled at local grid collar location 11+77 N at 51+56 E with an initial azimuth of 090 degrees and an initial dip of -45 degrees. After drilling through 14.6 meters of overburden and limestone, the hole entered gabbro until 18 meters. This was followed by granodiorite until 25.3 meters, then a mafic dike until 26 meters. Massive sulphides were then intersected between 26 meters and 36.6 meters followed by peridotite until 48.3 meters then mineralized peridotite until 64.5 meters. Granodiorite was encountered between 64.5 meters and 69.3 meters, followed by a mafic dike until 72.3 meters then granodiorite until the end of the hole at 89.7 meters.

NOT-08-35 is the last hole drilled into Eagle One at this time. It was collared at local grid co-ordinate 11+36 N at 50+36 E with an initial azimuth of 090 degrees and an initial dip of -45 degrees. After drilling through 9.5 meters of overburden and limestone the hole entered mineralized peridotite to 45 meters followed by weakly mineralized peridotite to 64.6 meters. A felsic dike was then encountered to 65.9 meters followed by peridotite until 80.6 meters when the hole was terminated.


Twenty samples from holes NOT-07-01, NOT-07-02 and NOT-07-05 were selected for Precious Group Elements (PGE's) as part of the ongoing evaluation of Eagle One. The samples were selected on the basis of initial platinum and palladium content, nickel and copper content as well as lithology. The samples initially underwent analysis for rhodium at ALS Chemex laboratory in Vancouver B.C., then lab-splits of the same sample set were sent to ALS's affiliate lab in Australia, and additional splits were sent to Activation Laboratory in Ancaster, Ontario. The test work recently received confirms that other PGE's are present in Eagle One and now need to be analyzed for on a regular basis. Variance between the two laboratories was within acceptable limits. The test-work included three consecutive samples selected from Hole NOT-07-05 between 111.5 meters and 115.6 meters down-hole. This 4.1 meter section averaged 3.2% copper, 3.62% nickel, 30.2 g/t platinum, 15.95 g/t palladium, 3.3 g/t gold, 8.1 g/t silver, 0.84 g/t rhodium, 0.15 g/t osmium, 0.21 g/t iridium and 0.42 g/t ruthenium. Noront will now be assaying previous samples from Eagle One for rhodium and completing additional assaying for the other PGE's on a regular basis, to determine ratios of the other elements with respect to rhodium assays.


The aforementioned assay and sample information, as well as geological descriptions are taken from drill logs as prepared by the Project geologist for the drill program, Mike Kilbourne. Billiken Management Services Inc. is providing all services on site for the Noront Double Eagle Project, from their base camp at McFaulds Lake. Billiken is a holder of Certificate of Authorization issued by the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario.

All assay work and sampling procedures have been included in earlier news releases. Chain of Custody includes delivery to ALS Chemex Laboratory in Vancouver BC, where all samples undergo analysis using ALS Chemex assay procedure AA46 for nickel, copper and silver, and ICP24 for Au, Pt, and Pd. When samples received over-limit values they underwent further analysis using ALS Chemex assay procedure ICP27 (for gold, platinum and palladium), as well as GRA21 for gold. The reader is referred to: www.alschemex.com for details of these analytical procedures. All samples from the 2008 exploration program are currently being submitted to SGS Laboratory in Toronto, Ontario, details of assay methodology at SGS will be explained once assays are received.


Gold, platinum and palladium are assayed using fire assay on a 50 gram nominal sample weight with an ICP-AES finish. Nickel and copper are assayed using aqua regia (3-acid) digestion with either ICP-AES or AAS finish. A comprehensive QA/QC program has been implemented to monitor all assays on the Double Eagle Project. Samples are assembled in numbered batches of 77 samples, which equates to the number of client samples per furnace batch at ALS Chemex. Included in each batch of 77 samples are 4 certified reference material samples, 3 blank samples comprised of sterile drill core, and 4 field duplicate samples. This QC program was set up for Noront by Tracy Armstrong P.Geo, of P&E Mining Consultants Inc. ("P&E") of Brampton, Ontario. Ms. Armstrong is a qualified geologist in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Assay results are being monitored on an on-going, real time basis for accuracy, contamination and precision by P&E. The current sample set will be reviewed by Ms. Armstrong once some additional batches are completed, and will be reported upon in a timely manner.

This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the US Private Securities Reform Act of 1995. Other than statements of historical fact, all statements are "Forward-Looking Statements" that involve such various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove accurate. Results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Readers of this press release are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these "Forward-Looking Statements".

Drilling results in this press release have been completed under the supervision of Noront's senior management including Neil Novak P.Geo., a director and Vice President-Exploration and John Harvey P.Eng. Executive Vice President of Noront, being Qualified Persons under Canadian Securities guidelines.

Noront is a tier 2 junior resource company on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading symbol NOT, with 125,377,082 shares issued to date.

Investors are invited to visit Noront's IR Hub at http://www.agoracom.com/IR/Noront where they can post questions and receive answers or review questions and answers already posted by other investors. Alternatively, investors are able to e-mail all questions and correspondence to NOT@agoracom.com where they can also request to be added to the investor e-mail list to receive all future press releases and updates in real time.


R. Nemis, President and Chief Executive Officer

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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