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Message: Double Eagle Update
Apr 01, 2008 01:54PM
Apr 02, 2008 03:25AM
Apr 02, 2008 04:08AM
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 2, 2008) - Noront (TSX VENTURE:NOT)
wishes to present the following progress report on its exploration
activities in the McFaulds Lake area of northeastern Ontario in the James
Bay Lowlands. The anomaly drilling program on the Double Eagle project
commenced in January and is continuing with 2 drills now being employed at
2 different locations testing visible chromite and sulphide mineralization
located by geophysical surveying. Resource studies at the Eagle One have
commenced but this work, as well as progress on the anomaly drilling, has
been hampered by the lengthy turn around time the independent analysis of
the company's drill core is experiencing due to the current heavy demand on
the Analytical Laboratories. Consequently, this release contains no assay
results but favourable results on the anomaly drilling program warrants an
update on these activities. The Company is now shipping samples to a new
laboratory in Thunder Bay owned by ActLabs of Ancaster, Ontario with whom
Noront has entered into an agreement to provide a faster assay turnaround.

The Company's geologists report the following highlights from their core
logging followed by more detailed interpretations of the two geophysical
anomalies being assessed;

- Further drilling at Eagle Two (Anomaly AT2) continues to trace a Shear
Hosted Sulphide ("SHS") zone containing bands of massive sulphide
mineralization with visible copper-nickel minerals from the Precambrian
rock surface (starting at 10 meters below surface) to 190 meters below
surface where the approximately up to 21 meters thick, 75 meters long
oval-shaped mineralized zone is within 30 meters of the favourable
underlying granodiorite intrusive contact.

- Massive Chromite beds up to 48.4 meters in core thickness at AT2 have
been encountered in the near vertical dipping, wide peridodite sill
occupying the non-conformity between the underlying granodiorite intrusive
to the north and overlying Precambrian volcanic stratigraphy to the south.

- At anomaly AT3, a steep north-dipping stringer sulphide zone with some
visible copper mineralization are being discovered and now intersected in 4
drill holes over substantial core widths.

- Several new excellent anomalies resulting from the continuing airborne
geophysical program are being located around the Ring of Fire on Noront's
claims and additional ground is being staked for Noront covering other
areas around the Ring of Fire.

Airborne surveying utilizing the Aeroquest (Aerotem2) and Geotech (VTEM)
helicopter systems is continuing on Noront's holdings around the Ring of
Fire. Line cutting and ground geophysical crews continue to locate the more
favourable airborne targets on the ground in preparation for diamond drill

Since the completion of definition drilling at the Eagle One occurrence,
two drills have initially tested airborne targets AT1, AT2 and AT3 with
encouraging results having been encountered at AT2 (Eagle Two) as well as
AT3 as described in more detail below. A third drill has arrived on site to
speed up the drilling program and will commence on airborne electromagnetic
("AEM") target AT5. Drilling will continue throughout the spring break-up
period with access by helicopter.


This short, strong, deep airborne target was tested with four drill holes
and although the favourable peridotite host rock was encountered, no
explanation of the geophysical response was obvious. Deeper penetrating
ground surveys, including down-hole probing will be carried out here to
guide future drilling at greater depths. The four holes all along local
grid line 4500E, tested the peridotite down to a vertical depth of 150

AT1 Table of Drill Holes


Hole Grid Azimuth Dip Final Overburden Mineralization
No. Location Depth (meters) (meters)
1G1 4475E,419N 090 -45 282 7.0 Nil
1G4 4510E,375N -- -90 144 6.7 Nil
1G5 4500E,550N 135 -60 300 8.6 Nil
1G7 4500E,550N 135 -50 312 8.0 Nil



Drill testing the strong, but short coincident Magnetic - EM anomaly on
line 3200E (2 km south Eagle One) resulted in the discovery of a Shear
Hosted Sulphide zone lying at the Precambrian surface beneath the shallow
limestone cover (see press release dated February 25, 2008). To date eight
holes have traced the short, flat northwest dipping (-30 degrees)
approximately 75 meters long, up to 21 meters thick, oval-shaped body to a
vertical depth of 190 meters. The eight holes have encountered semi-massive
to massive sulphide bands of mineralization with visible amounts of
pyrrhotite, pyrite, copper and nickel sulphides in a fault, breccia
environment within the peridotite sill occupying the granodiorite/volcanic
non-conformity, called the Ring of Fire.

Drilling is continuing at deeper elevations to follow the Shear Hosted
Sulphide mineralization downwards towards the same favourable
granodiorite-peridotite contact that hosts the Eagle One occurrence.

The five other holes completed within the AT2 anomalous area were off the
ends of the short Shear Hosted Sulphide zone and were barren. Hole numbers
1G9, 1G17 and 1G20 intersected strong chromite mineralization beneath the
shear hosted sulphides in the layered peridotite host rock and the latter
will also be followed at depth. The chromite beds are being analyzed for
cobalt, precious metals and other possible potentially significant
elements. The latest hole completed, 1G21, intersected the SHS occurrence
from 169.5 to 190.1 meters with bands of semi-massive to massive bands of
copper-nickel sulphide mineralization.

AT2 Table of Drill Holes


Hole Grid Azimuth Dip Final Overburden Mineralization
No. Location Depth (meters) (meters)
1G2 3217E,573N 155 -55 239 10.0 39.0-42.0
(sulphides, Cu-Ni)
1G3 3217E,573N 155 -65 200 10.0 42.3-46.7
(sulphides, Cu-Ni)
1G6 3250E,710N 155 -50 348 12.1 113.2-131.0
(sulphides, Cu-Ni)
1G8 3250E,710N 155 -65 336 8.0 121.5-129.5
(sulphides, Cu-Ni)
1G9 3300E,820N 155 -50 309 14.5 229.0-249.0
Chromite beds
1G11 3300E,820N 135 -50 324 14.0 Nil
1G13 3250E,710N 135 -50 306 8.0 Nil
1G15 3200E,650N 135 -45 195 8.0 Nil
1G16 3000E,640N -- -90 186 15.0 Nil
1G17 3225E,680N -- -90 267 10.0 137.0-144.0
(sulphides, Cu-Ni)
Chromite beds
1G20 3200E,680N -- -90 288 9.0 144.0-165.0
(sulphides, Cu-Ni)
Chromite beds
IG21 3175E,680N -- -90 9.0 169.5-190.1
(sulphides, Cu-Ni)
No Chromite beds



Four holes to-date have tested this moderately strong, 1000 meter long
airborne anomaly with a coincident ground magnetic and EM response. Hole
number 1G10 with 71.1 meters minor sulphides (mainly pyrite) from 24.9 to
96.0 meters in the hole and hole no. 1G12 with a low percentage sulphide
intersection of 68.6 m from 204.0 to 237.0 meters (mainly pyrite and some
visible copper sulphide mineralization) explained the anomaly which is
dipping steeply north within the main peridotite sill.

Hole number 1G14 on grid line 700 East, 200 meters to the southwest,
intersected disseminated iron and copper sulphides from 216.9 to 225.9
meters and hole no. 1G18, drilled at -70 degrees south along the grid line
700E encountered the visible copper bearing sulphide mineralization from
288.0 to 362.0 meters down the hole.

Additional immediate drilling here will further test this sulphide bearing
target to depth and along strike with additional grid south orientated

AT3 Table of Drill Holes


Hole Grid Azimuth Dip Final Overburden Mineralization
No. Location Depth (meters) (meters)
1G10 900E,925N 315 -50 281 6.0 24.9-96.0
(minor sulphides
with cpy)
1G12 900E,1100N 135 -45 312 31.5 204.0-237.0
(5% sulphides with
1G14 700E,1100N 135 -45 228 18.5 216.9-225.9
(1-2% sulphides
with cpy)
1G18 700E,1100N 135 -75 405 20.2 288.0-362.0
(1-5% sulphides
with cpy)


Due to the Company's continued success in discovering new significant
mineralization at the Double Eagle project, field survey production is
being increased including geophysical ground work to advance the companies
other properties, including its several joint ventured claim groups around
the Ring of Fire, to the diamond drill testing stage. As a result Aerotem
anomalies, AT4, AT5 and AT6, are now awaiting drill scheduling and a fourth
drill has been ordered for delivery after the spring break-up. The Company
will continue to operate with helicopter supported three drills during the
spring breakup period however, a few weeks of geophysical survey time may
be lost due to adverse grid line conditions.

The widths of mineralization mentioned above are core widths as true widths
cannot be determined at this time.

On Site Quality Assurance / Quality Control Measures

Billiken Management Services Inc. is providing all services on site for the
Noront Double Eagle Project, from their base camp at McFaulds Lake and a
drill camp at the Eagle One occurrence site. The aforementioned drill hole
information, as well as geological descriptions are taken from drill logs
as prepared by Billiken Project geologists on site. Billiken is a holder of
a Certificate of Authorization issued by the Association of Professional
Geoscientists of Ontario.

This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the
meaning of the US Private Securities Reform Act of 1995. Other than
statements of historical fact, all statements are "Forward-Looking
Statements" that involve such various known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors. There can be no assurance that such
statements will prove accurate. Results and future events could differ
materially from those anticipated in such statements. Readers of this press
release are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these "Forward-Looking

Comments on drilling results in this press release have been completed
under the supervision of Noront's senior management including Neil Novak
P.Geo., a director and Vice President-Exploration and John Harvey P.Eng.
Executive Vice President of Noront, being Qualified Persons under Canadian
Securities guidelines. Both Novak and Harvey returned last week from the
McFaulds Lake area and have approved the contents of this press release.

Noront is a tier 2 junior resource company on the TSX Venture Exchange,
trading symbol NOT, with 125,573,082 shares issued to date.

Investors are invited to visit Noront's IR Hub at
http://www.agoracom.com/IR/Noront where they can post questions and receive
answers or review questions and answers already posted by other investors.
Alternatively, investors are able to e-mail all questions and
correspondence to NOT@agoracom.com where they can also request to be added
to the investor e-mail list to receive all future press releases and
updates in real time.


R. Nemis, President and Chief Executive Officer



Noront Resources Ltd.
Richard Nemis
(416) 864-1456
Website: www.norontresources.com

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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