I noticed it's been over 3 months since their fiscal year ended June 30th. I'm pretty sure the 10K is due out. Maybe that will shed some more light on the pps. I have a call into Mr. Perry to see what he can tell us. Has anyone else spoke to him lately. I agree with whoever posted that comment earlier.....the company shouldn't have a financial guy speaking about drill results. Let him put out pr's on the share structure, float, public and private offerings, cost per ounce, etc....and leave the technical part to their expert engineers. It's so hard to watch the price of gold continue to creep up while this pps flonders in the .40-.60 cent range. I'm sure the big institutional investors aren't happy either :(
PS: I wonder what this "gold loan" entails with financing the Bachelor Lake Mine? Just another thought......Unless someone got in during the $ .30's at the end of '08 (which I got lucky and did), any investor in MTO since going public would be down (a five year period). That sure doesn't bode well for current (or intice future) long term investors. It seems like the company isn't worried about it.
Just frustrated and venting :)