Dolores Mine - Sierra Madre

A New Mid-Tier Gold & Silver Producer - Mexico

Message: Hawnkoa, Why is this Forum so Unattended, So Sleepy?

Komq....Thanks for your input it is greatly appreciated....

You are not alone as I was a big investor with Gammon Gold but I was lucky and smelled a rat early.....I just got through reading the June 2008 Issue of Mining Markets Vol 1 No. 2 put out by the Northern Miner which has a great coverage of Gammon Gold...I will send you the magazine if you want it...thank God I am out of that mess and put it in one word "Freddy" is a crook !!

Minefinders is not a Gammon....that I am pretty much certain about. If anything I feel that Mark Bailey is the complete opposite of Fred George. Mark is very conservative and I strongly feel that he is being very cautious here by not going ahead with the leaching until he gets some sort of assurance from the Mexican Authorities that any type of protester interference will be put down and stopped by the Mexican Authorities.

We have all dealt with "government bureaucrats" and many times it is just hard to get them to make the hard decisions and commit. They are always looking for someone else to make the decision. So ans so will have to approve that etc....

I want you to feel free to call and talk to Mike Wills and even Mark Bailey and I would in fact recommend it for your own assurance. There is nothing better than to get the information from the horses mouth. Most of these guys are very helpful and willing to give you the straight scoop. I can only repeat what I get from these guys and others that I know of with information on MFN.

As I have said here several times, that is what this forum is get and share information about Minefinders, their projects, management, as well as the direction of the gold market and the junior gold stocks in particular.

I hope I have given you some comfort in your position...and I am concerned also as I have invested heavily in this stock like you.

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