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Message: Getting pessimistic again...

I have spoken to BC many times....

He will chat to any reasonable MEO SH. He never will cross the line with inappropriate disclosure however. Kudo's to him !

It has been said by others before, that Bill gets many "Types" calling his Home # (and in one case threatening his Wife). This is totally inappropriate, illegal, unprofessional & uncalled for. He just mentioned it to me the other Day and I remember another Posters note on this some time ago! It is obviously very hurtful and he's not forgotten it.

Compared to Old Mgt. (& thats a Laugh)....he is Mohammed Ali ! He deserves a H. of a lot more respect than he's getting....Bill's lined up some really super Professional Field types for Completions & rid us of some Dead Wood...let's try to be a lot more supportive. There is a payoff here for all I'm sure, so let's not have him take the hump & Quit.

IMHO there are Partner $$$'s reqd. to complete Drilling, either..... they Ante Up or there will be more delays PP's etc.

Good Work & patience will pay off Bill !! :)


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