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Message: Will anyone buy?

chenjoo -

At this point, I tend to lean towards your former statement. That being "The conspiracy of silence theory on the one hand would tend to favor the position of both insiders directly, and indirectly,those of investors who hang on. This presupposes that there is oil and gas in TN that ultimately would reward MEO faithfuls. The dishing out of cheap shares to insiders through PP seem to lend credence to this proposition." What purpose is served by the PP unless it is to gain funds to exploit the oil and gas and to further enrich the insiders? Why would they buy more shares on a losing proposition?

So, those who know more than us (insiders) are buying more of the company at bargain basement prices. Assuming the they have the same economic motives as the rest of us (to make lots of money) they are just using their inside position in the "race" to follow through on their desires. They gain nothing by holding more shares in a company that has "nothing." To quote the words of John Mitchell (ex-Attorney General under Nixon and the ultimate insider), "Watch what we do not what we say." A very wise saying whether it applies to the small machinations of MEO (et,al) or the big plots of the NWO.

Going to shut down the PC for a while. Way over 10 inches of rain from Fay down here in the last 12 hours and much more to come, The electric infrastructure is getting strained with all the floodng and we may lose power. Mother nature (especially the Gulf of Mexico, that same force that makes life bearable for most of eastern Europe) is really showing us how small we really are.

Staying dry for now.

- Panamax

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