Is it my imagination or has the PP taken a long time to complete?
Why might that be the case? If the insiders were "lined up" to buy shares (+ warrants) at these low prices, why hasn't the PP be filled and the capital put to work?
If the insiders aren't buying, then who is? Furthermore, why are we holding? Have we arrived at the bottom - emotionally as well as price-wise?
And, as referenced earlier by Megratroyd, Mr. Brown, the new President has not offered us any news (after implying that things would be different on the news front in the future.
I'm not some ubber-capitalist but I think that I (if I ran MEO) would produce as much news as possible in order to maintain interest in the company and to bolster the SP. It seems as if the management of this company has no interest in doing either of these things. .
Is no news good news?
I take little solace in knowing that their shares are worth the same as mine.
- Panamax