We've been told by Cawker, his multiple personalities, and his so called friends, that Tenn has nothing in it. Yet, he still keeps posting over on other boards, hurling insults at several of us. Just doesn't fit. If there's nothing there, they'd have moved on.
The more I read his drivel, the more I know I'm right that Tenn has huge potential.
Prior to MEO, no company drilled deep. A deep well for them was 2,400'.
Tight Hole Status was put on the #3, #4 and #5 for six months. 6 mths from March 08 is late Sept 08. Starting in November 2008, the first of 8 wells was licensed for Morgan County, for 5,000' or more. There must really be something big down there, since companies seem to be moving so quickly to get wells drilled to a depth that were not drilled before.