It was nice meeting you and I can see how you could come away with your view. I have to admitt the TPL presention was awkward but I think it was because both Leckrones are likely paranoid about what is said in public plus they come from a privately held company setting ( no accountablity shaeholders).I feel TPL was just annoyed they had to talk publicly to the PTSC shareholders but that`s to bad since both entities need each other.The poor transition from the PTSC presentation to the TPL presentation was unfortunate since it did suck the energy out of the room.I do feel less concerened about the royalties since I think the topic was addressed straight up and not skirted.With that said I guess each of us need to determine how big the royalty issue is. i`m not sure I agree with you about Leckrone Sr being proud he screwed PTSC? I think TPL just didn`t want to be there and that helped me understand there is not a warm fuzzy relationship between the two parties. That`s ok since now I know and saw it first hand.I still feel PTSC will grow and the share price will incease in value with each settlement ( the TX case will be huge).JMO