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Message: Conquest or Alliance? that is the question.....

Conquest or Alliance? that is the question.....

posted on Jun 05, 2006 06:43PM
40% of the J5 has settled along with a few others. We may or may not have reached the 100 million dollar mark (our part). We already know we grossed 60 million to date. Is Sony`s major discount still worth 40 million to PTSC alone? That would hit the 100 million mark gross for us. Sony, IMO, was one of the biggest fish in the pond. I fully expected no less than 100 million(our part) form them alone.....well, like I said....they are one of the big ones. OK, we give them a big discount for breaking ranks....I am assuming the suit was dropped because they were in settlement talks and we told them at the time we would give them a big discount, and we kept our word. So , with a 60% discount form my made up figure we could get 40 million our part....Remember , that is a made up figure out of my limited brain...LOL.

Ok, now........what did we get for our deal?

First of all we got cash, you know the one limp sum amount, with the ongoing royaltiy type.

What did Sony get for their money, free use of MMP for all their products, PS3,4,5,6,...TV`s,DSP`, and on and on....Billions of dollars worth of products. Good deal for them...LOL

SO, I was thinking , we now are using the same PR firm as Sony.............WHAT ELSE? That is, what else can or could be included in a deal????

Sony would like to donminate,correct? Well, what else could be included in a deal was the question, remember.

I wonder if we got more than money, would sony agree to help us squash their competition, that is would they give TPL full use and or exchange of tech support and experts to make sure we could never loose in court against anyone for our IP.......I am thinking out loud here....but IMO, Sony would not have settled unless, one it was so dang cheap not to(not having to pay lawyers and all) or their Tech Dept told them them that MMP is a winner. Really , it don`t matter, what matters is the future.

I wonder if Alliacense`s name is on purpose, that is, is TPL working to make someone like Sony an alliance rather than a conquest> Concur not conquer.

If we now have a high power ally in Sony, I may like the result.....If we took the discounted sum alone, well I feel we got screwed.

Time will tell, yes, but I hate that saying...LOL

If we are buiding Allies that will help us with lawsuits to come and maybe even business deals later on, or just to reverse engineer their own competition`s chips for us...well fokes WE Have a winner in the discounted deals.

If TPL is just taking the cash and nothing else, I see a lost opportunity of major proportion.

What does eveyone think is going on, I can`t tell....did we loose out or are we poised to take over the world, so to speak. I, for one, hope we are gaining partners to take over the world.

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