I looked at your numbers more and divided the liscence fee by net sales for each company then multiplied that factor by Sony`s 2005 net sales of 67B.
HP 21M divided by 20B = 00105 x 67B = $43,050,000
Fujitsu 30M divided by 41B = 00136 x 67B = $55,760,000
Casio 10M divided by 5B = .002 x 67B = $134,000,000
Amount of infringing products probably is a factor. I would think Sony would have more products that would infringe on our patents. So I would think a higher fee factor closer to Casio would be appropriate for Sony.
I would think the fee should be over 75M for Sony and still be considered a discount for them as compared to these other early round companies.
All the best,