Hey, if you believe neoconservatives and neoconservatism exist, I would blame it on them. A lot of real conservatives (against nation building, huge government expansion, amnesty for illegals, etc.) are damn mad at their neoconservative brethren. Many Republican generals, before the invasion, wanted more boots on the ground; and in hindsight they were correct. So, I think I should get a b plus/ a minus.
I think you would agree with me that things would be better off if we had someone with smarts and real military experience running the show. I don`t know about you, but I don`t think there is any intrinsic reason to trust coorporations, which is why it is ok to question management of Patriot. However, if you question, be prepared to back it up. This country would be so much better if both sides would stop spinning and focus on real problem solving. This debt can`t keep being built up, it can`t. Tough choices are going to have to be made, and soon. It`s just like these early settlements. Patriot and TPL could fight tooth and nail for every last dollar, but I believe the reward given to early settlers is calculated, and will hopefully pay off in the long run.
Junior, at first I thought you were just a ditto head douchebag, but at the moment it appears that you were just reacting to my rhetoric, and might be a straight shooter. I think that if you and I can agree to find a middleground, then maybe we can be an example for the rest of the board.