We should be in a position to make the agreements go our way, esp. if giving a discount of any kind. I believe that TPL doesn`t care about this issue, being a private company.....what we need is for Pohl to fight hard for our intrests, wherever they are. This would be a good topic for the next SHM. If I not correct let me know, but Pohl is our only input to Alliacense, so he alone is our only input to influence TPL towards public interests of shareholders at PTSC. Pohl is in a very difficult position that I believe he can handle, after all he did put this together.
BTW, I was wondering how Brian feels about Pohl now, he was against him being in this postion in the past. I hope his views have changed a bit.
If TPL thinks that confidentiality agreemenets are the best way to help get more $ out of other companies, well maybe Pohl can do nothing ( TPL may think thay know better) Pohl would have to do some fancy talking to prove them wrong, if they feel they know best. I wonder if they could indeed be right, you know some companies want to have the agreement reguardless of what everyone else thinks, they may wish to hide the amounts in there own quartly reports on some line item that is hard to find...LOL; IF we TPL has to go along to get the deal signed, well it would be ok, and I think that maybe thats why we got three in a row...to hid any ones numbers. Dumb game at times but we are dealing with the guys in Japan right now. They deal different, that`s what I`m told anyway. Other times, we would like to know, so we need to let Pohl know at the SHM, to fight for us and get what he can get done. TPL should be in a postion to not have to have those type of secret agreements.