Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Moxa

enough? no offense, friendship

in response to by
posted on Dec 12, 2006 05:25AM

How about one more thread on this power of thought … Imagine tossing a rock into a lake and watching the ripples fan out.  The ripples hit the shoreline by you tossing the rock.  At its’ core, the universe is made up of energy.  Everything is made up of energy.  And your thoughts are energy.  What you think, is like tossing a rock or a pebble into this lake of energy.  Anyone heard or read about people who think praying helps?  My aunt is a nun who believes strongly that prayer can heal.  She and a group of  nuns do hands on praying.  Over a year ago, my fiancé tells me she had a dream that Patriot would hit $1.60 or $1.80 in the spring.  I scoffed and said it was below a dime and nothing in sight to move it.  After it went past her vision, she said she dreamt ptsc will go to $28.  She asked if I would join her in visualizing a closing price of $28.  OK, I will send out that energy.  And I will still hope Pohl, TPL, and our patents are strong enough to take us there.


and we are all brothers on this earth.  us, here on this board, more united than others because of our common belief in PTSC.  whether we like one another, respect one another, read one another, we still are  bonded.

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