Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Ronran hit the nail squarely on the head. For those of you who

Ronran hit the nail squarely on the head. For those of you who

posted on Feb 13, 2007 07:01AM

are not regular OTC investors you must realize that we are not on the scope of most institutional investors. Mutual Funds are not allowed to buy PTSC and "the street" pays little attentions to OTC for the very reasons that keep us so frustrated. MMs and other forces control us to a degree that "the street" doesn't want anything to do with. So, what's a mother to do? Do your DD, do your DD again to ensure you know the facts, make a decision to buy or not buy, and then watch the basket you put your eggs in very closely. Notice I did not say hover over your basket and constantly whine to everyone within earshot what a crummy company you invested in or how little faith you have in management. Think about it before you post pure drivel that does nothing to inform or promote discussion about issues worth discussing. If you have no faith in the CEO why did you invest? Telling everyone you think the current CEO and/or BOD are losers is not a valid discussion. Rather, it is simply whining about your own DD failure. A more productive use of your time would be to go back and review your Due Diligence and pertinent information you find in a variety of place including this forum. If you are looking for investment advice you would be better served to find a reputable broker or agent as opposed to what someone with a screen moniker like "supermaninvestor" might say on a message board. You defeat your own purpose with constant harping and whining. Put on your big kid britches and deal with it. Go back the DD phase and decide if you want to stay an investor. Venting is not a valid form of DD and is very unbecoming a serious investor. OK, I'm done venting :>))...


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