Just one investors opinion as to why our share price is under a buck. Look no further than our current BOD.
PTSC holds 50% ownership of an extremely valuable set of patents. PTSC has generated, from its partnership with TPL, some pretty good revenue in the last year and half. Even with the poor performance by the BOD we are still undervalued and that is why I remain invested.
The problem (imo) is that the BOD is tied to S&L. Pretty much all the money generated has been handed out in a dividend for its warrant holder, S&L.
As an investor I look at PTSC and see that we generated about $50million and gave most of it to our warrant holder. The BOD chose to not grow the company but chose to turn the cash over to S&L. If close examination of the BOD is done you will find a group that basically has accomplished zero in the way of generating revenue. So the company has no employees, just a BOD…and the BOD appears to be in the pocket of S&L. I have always maintained that the market will evaluate PTSC on what it does with its revenues and to date the vote of confidence in the BOD is about 65 cents.
The company needs to overhaul the BOD with people experienced in growing a company. Right now for PTSC it is all about perception….and we don’t have a stellar track history.
I do agree with all the faithful longs…..we are way undervalued and there should be more interest in this company at this stage in its growth. If the explosive revenue growth of this company is being ignored by the investment community the question needs to be asked, why? We can, and hopefully are, resolving the warrant issue. This should be a short term issue if management and S&L are addressing it and want to move the company forward. We are being ignored because TPL generates revenue, passes 50% over to PTSC and the BOD issues the money out of the company in dividends. Perception: S&L run the company.