I will be voting and urge everyone else to vote "against" the following BOD members as there is nothing of real substance that any of these directors provides to PTSC for $3K/month.
Against (Strongly) -Carlton M. Johnson, Jr.
Against -Gloria Felcyn
Against -Helmut Falk, Jr.
I will vote "for" the following, however, Jim Turley needs to begin proving he can help in some way...something...anything...what has he been doing for over a year now?
For David Pohl
For Jim Turley
I'm not a strong believer in Pohl but I will continue to support him because I believe the main problem lies with S/L's use of Carlton Johnson on the Board to make irrational decisions based on ones personal greed and ego. Let us at least send a message and apply some pressure with our vote.
Any retail shareholders thinking of voting for C.Johnston...I have to ask why?