"it is likewise true that, even at the high of $2.25 in early 2006, that price itself was only about 33% of the all-time highs set back in 1999/2000."
This brings up a question I asked over a year ago to the board as I was curious how PPS (high in 2006) compared to the run up back in 1999/2000. My question was, "What was the total shares outstanding for the stock back in 1999/2000 at the high?" I got two responses, 25M and 50M. Do you remember what it was? Curious because let's say the OS was 50M back in 1999/2000 at it's high of I believe $6/share. With our current OS (8 X 50M), we would have to reach a PPS of $48/share (8 X $6) to equal the high back in 1999/2000. Curious because it seems that PTSC has more positives today than it did back in 1999/2000, yet the PPS is suppressed. With that said, the two BIG things that are different, Tech Stock Boom in 1999/2000 making every tech stock gold irregardless of value, and today's uncertainty with the pending lawsuit on the very near horizon. Anyways, just curious, and appreciate if any of the longs remember what the OS was back than. TIA GLTAL