"I am having difficulty with the remainder of your post which paints a picture of sinster "Big Money", (meaning Leckrones and Swartz), raping the retail?..."
I actually believe part of the statement - Swartz has been raping retail. He's been hitting us hard at every signing since SONY - remember we plummeted after SONY? I was thinking WTH is going on?
No one knew what was going on but I think it was TCR who brought the S&L warrant conversion theory to light - and he hit the bulls eye.
Why can't Swartz just give up "some" of his warrants so the SP can raise to a more reasonable level and a better spring board? (I guess because he doesn't have to.)
However, Patriot made the deal with the devil(s) and now we're paying the price. I guess it was the only way for Patriot to stay a float at the time(?)
Can you imagine a clean company (without toxic financing) obtaining licenses like Patriot has - would they be training at .46? I doubt it.
I don't think the Leckrones are involved in anything but raking in licensing fees but - what do I know.
Hang in there everyone - and best of luck to us - we're going to need it big time!