Jim Turley is an acknowledged authority on microprocessor chips, semiconductor intellectual property, embedded software, and silicon technology. He is the author of seven books, was Editor-in-Chief of Embedded Systems Design magazine, past editor of the prestigious industry journal Microprocessor Report (a three-time winner of the Computer Press Award), and is a frequent speaker at industry events. He is frequently quoted in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, San Jose Mercury News, and appears regularly on television, radio, and Internet broadcasts.
Turley's experience includes senior executive management of a global semiconductor IP corporation, three high-tech acquisitions, and a successful IPO. Jim serves on the Board of Directors and/or Technical Advisory Board for several high-tech companies in the US and Europe, and organizes events such as the Embedded Systems Conference (ESC). Jim is a popular and sought-after speaker for conferences and seminars.
Jim is married, with a stunning and accomplished wife, two overachieving children, an apparently brain-damaged dog, and an opossum that lives under the house. He recently received his auto racing license (Jim, not the opossum.) They make their home in Pacific Grove, California.