Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Jury and future settlements.

Jury and future settlements.

posted on Jun 16, 2007 01:45PM

After reading the news I find myself thinking , how would a jury in Texas take this informantion and come up with an answer. I then realise that this informantion is not what the jury will base the result of the trial on. This informantion is just what the lawyer will use in order to sway the jury to believe in their agruements. TPL and the enemy will now compile a view point about the 336, 148 and the 584 with respect to the defined terms, plug in their arguement and try to sway a jury, pointing at exact chips.

With what we have read , how do you think Mr. Cook will do with these terms and the patents themselves to prove to the jury about J2 infringement. How do you think the J2 could do with these terms to prove they don't infringe at all?

What I am thinking at this point is that we have a great chance to prove that our patents are legit and that the J2 do infringe on certian points. However there may be a few technical points on the couple of claims that went their way, that could lower the amout of $ we win or settle for. And for that matter , we could have lost settlements for some companies that could use that small window of technical loopoll against us.

The big win is the fact that we do have more than just one claim and more than just one patent. That , to me , seem now to be on it';s way to prevail.

I could see Cook telling a jury that the MMP is like a complete plate dinner.......steak, potato, corn, green beans and Texas toast (LOL), that we own the rights to the meal and that sure J1 may not have the corn on their plate or that J2 did not include the green beans on theirs but they still have to pay for their dinner. Further more, the green beans my be stringy or have large seed lumps in them but they are still on the same plate as the steak and potatos.........and of course we are the ones you have to get the meal from.

That is my mind set and playing devil's advacate, all I see is that some points could be made to allow a small few of the billions of chips to get away without infringement in the long run, and maybe a few of the J2's, but I can now see enough money being made to allow Turley to make one heck of a company, and a good pps to boot.

I think we are now on our way, but I warn , slowly for it will take Turley a while to build a company and of course the guys like Brian who own tons of shares below 10 cents will sell to make Millions, and that will keep the pps down a bit. I wonder what price most are willing to sell at and what they are wanting to sell at. At first , when I bought into PTSC , I had dreams so big that my PPS vision was not too realistic. No , for the live of me, I can't even think straight about what would be reasonable to expect or dream for, for that matter.

Here's to Cook, I believe his is doing Great, no foul up in the CC hearing in my view, he know's what's going on.

God Speed Turley !

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