I agree (of course right now i WOULD AGREE TO ALMOST ANYTHING). Remeber it is Sunday. Say your prayers. Should you pray for a merger? NOT if they go private!!!! Yes. If they would go public. I wonder if Chuck would agree? Complicated though. I demand that Jim remain CEO. I like this guy.
What if Dan demands CEO ship? What would we do then? The more we discuss the more complicated the scene becomes. It just like the Board here, constant ied's going off. Who's in charge? One thing we know 100% is we don't want Maliki in charge.
There are designs within designs. If you don't believe me ask Chuck Moore he knows. "Perhaps" is really not definitive enough for me CC. We need SGE1, Ronran, Greeneyes, Wolfpackvolt, Rosewood (where is she?), TTCCRR (no way), the Cleanser ( Do you use ajax or Mr. Clean or do you just piss all over your target?) (just kidding).
Thanks for your question back but as you can see it is going to take a greater mind than me to figure this out. That's why we hired Mr. Turley to figure out all these hard answers to our questionable questions??
You are profound CC and Thank You for the real question of the day. Your friend.
Regards, Oscar