The defendents assertions are garbage. On Nov. 7, 2006 it was JUDGE WARD who stipulated that TPL/PTSC HAD TO provide individual chips that infringed as well as the representative chip familes.
Toshiba and NEC "agreed" to the stipulation but MEI played games at that time and said something to the effect that their "chips kept changing" and it was difficult to provide this info.
TPL/PTSC HAD to go to the defendents OWN Web Pages and pull off part numbers of individual chips and the chip families they belonged to and GIVE IT TO MEI.
For the defendents to say WE didn't comply is as stated above "garbage"
Again everyone: It was JUDGE JOHN WARD who "denied" our request to JUST SHOW CHIP FAMILIES.................The Judge himself "requested" all the PICS be provided for Individual Chips creating a MOUNTAIN of work for TPL.........but we didn't complain........we got BUSY doing the work and preparing thousands of PICS.......while the DEFENDENTS have DRAGGED their feet and complained and Delayed.
To me there is NO doubt that Judge Ward will NOT be happy with ANY of the defendents in this situation.
Just read the prior PACERS that Wolf has provided. It's all there.