Patriot's PSC1000, a 32-bit RISC CPU, uses the patented ShBoom microprocessor technology in a highly integrated CPU that achieves high performance and low system cost. Patriot's CPU uses a zero-operand dual-stack architecture with primarily 8-bit instructions giving the processor an advantage in greatly reduced complexity and reduced instruction size.
ShBoom's unique merged stack-register architecture is very efficient for executing stack-oriented environments such as JAVA, Forth and Postscript. It is also very efficient for executing C and C++ as they are generally implemented on a stack model.
To reduce the learning curve for software engineers new to stack architectures, the underlying architecture is invisible when programming using Patriot's ANSI C compiler, and the assembly language accepts both native and synthetic register-architecture-type instructions.
The small size, low power consumption, high performance and low cost of the PSC1000 make it an ideal processor for the increasing complexity and performance demanded by the automotive industry.
Patriot Scientific is engaged in the development of proprietary technologies, including patented microprocessor technology and ISDN interface products, both with a strong commitment to development for the growing Internet market.
The ShBoom-architecture PSC1000 microprocessor is being developed and targeted as a highly efficient and cost-effective JAVA processor and for use in sophisticated embedded control environments.
Targeted embedded applications include digital communications, laser printers, video terminals, robotics, motion and industrial controllers, cable and satellite modems and TV set-top boxes. The company also owns radar and antenna technology.