1. Turley said we have averaged 1 signing a month and seems to think that could be higher...now he didn't say starting tomorrow or next week but he did say looking for more than 1 a month. Obviously the courts and the USPTO will influence that starting to happen. BTW, if I'm not mistaken, he never once mentioned the courts of the USPTO, guess I wouldn't either if not asked
2. Mentioned that they had "bought" warrants to get rid of the overhead...sounded as if they were more than just nibbling at it, more like we're really into it. JMHO of course
3.Dividends could be opted out for a replacement of investing in either R&D to develop a new product line or acquiring a second line of revenue. Although patents are "good till 2015" sounds like they want to get another income line rolling ASAP. Dividends to be replaced by acquisitions sounds good to me.
Corrections welcomed and other items of import I may have missed