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Message: Letter I sent to Turley on July 14th

Letter I sent to Turley on July 14th

posted on Sep 08, 2007 11:43AM

July 16, 2007

Jim Turley, CEO

Patriot Scientific Corporation
6183 Paseo Del Norte
Suite 180
Carlsbad, CA 92011
Tel: (760) 547-2700
Fax: (760) 547-2705

RE: Patent Reform Act of 2007

Dear Mr. Turley,

First let me say congrats and God Speed on your new position as CEO. There are very high expectations for PTSC and your are “The Man” now. Please make us proud and make a place in history for yourself as well. I know you can build one heck of a company if things go right. I pray they do, for my investment in your company may be my last hope to get ahead and/or make a retirement for myself. (not to worry you with that, right)

I am concerned about the recent development in Washington with respect to what some are trying to do to stop patent owners from getting their just due. Big business’ that

have the lobby interests to see that bills get into play that would almost guarantee them an unfair advantage are getting something working at this time. America at it’s

finest, making way for those who wish to steal, in a legal way, right under everyone’s nose. People, like myself, with very small interests in such matters mean nothing to them and congress’ that pass laws that benefit only themselves (raises, laws that apply to everyone but them, golden parachutes, and the like) can also do so for “friends”. Well

the good ol’ boy network may really hinder our progress with the MMP portfolio. I live in Arkansas and have seen first hand how corrupt politics runs wild.

If the Patent Reform Act of 2007 makes headway and the powers that be get their way, well let?s just hope that doesn?t happen. To be prepared if new patent laws become a reality, I have wrote a letter to the Leckrone?s and three senators as well. My senators, form Arkansas may, as usual , be part of the problem. I believe they do as told, loyal Democrats and all. I have written Senator John Cornyn from Texas as well. His name came up in a piece I read, seem he has an interest in the process, the Eastern District Court of Texas.

The reason for the letters is simple. I believe we could blow the whole process wide open on a national level, gain much press and even influence the senate. If TPL is ready and has reverse engineered enough products and or identified infringed products. I believe they could go ahead and file suit in Texas for all of them right now. They could tell everyone that the proposed laws scared us into it. Companies who are in talks can be told that we had no other choice because of the legislators, that we are still wishing to settle with out all the fuss, but we have to protect our rights that congress is trying to legislate away.

Can you imagine the press on this, the MMP would be brought up before the American people as the whole reason that law makers are trying to change the laws. The courts would have no choice but to apply the current laws to us because we have already begun legal proceedings if we do this; I hope that is correct about the ex post facto law and this issue. No matter what new laws are passed we would be on our way, and gain huge press as well. I don’t know the law and am unsure if my ideas are feasible, but I wanted to make it known anyway.

I have attached the letters I have sent to others on this issue. If my idea has any merit, please get with Mr. Leckrone and discuss the matter, for time is running out for such action.


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