I'm not sure what you all are referring to but David Pohl could have easily sold teh entire 500k shares and pocketed (.47-16) or 31 cents on 500,000 shares but instead decided to cashless exercise and keep an additional 325k shares and holds over 1.8 million shares.
What do you mean by not his own money, Whose money did he use yours?
When a drug dealer or a theif buys stocks or even a business man who cheats his customers or an avg. joe that lies on his income tax filings buys stocks then they are buying it without using their oen money. But whetehr or not you felt that Pohl was overpaid is irreleavent. He had an employemnet contract and was entitled to his options and convertted them to shares USING HIS OWN MONEY
I think we need ot grow up.