Or why not long with PTSC for the gap at 1.05?
<If that gap is not filled for weeks or months, you can toss out the gap theory for that one. If the stock happens to fall back to that gap, it will be for some other reason NOT because the gap is there. It's FOOLISH to believe otherwise.>
Gap fill due to the dynamics of the company, good or bad, in relation to the exhuberance of the investment community. Could a post court PTSC gap be filled? Well it'll depend on what the company does going forward (Mind you with the warrant situation, if it were not a factor, would you feel the 1.05 gap would have been filled quicker and thus make gaps more viable to you?). You have to look at the gap, determine what caused it and decide whether its worthy in light of the investment community in relation to your investment strategy.
For some of the forum here to berate gaps to me is pointless. Everyone needs to show some tolerance and move on if the discussion isn't to their cup of tea IMO.