Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: 2cents on JT and CEO

with a "critical eye". That works for me. Where I have a problem is when some suggest there is a problem - in ignorance IMO - and offer a solution plagued with new problems.

Some just keep saying "I have a problem with management, so throw the bums out". How does THAT resolve the perceived problem? Doesn't it just create a whole new set of problems?

Business 101 - the manager's decision making process:

1) Define the problem.
Is the problem real?
Is it significant (at this time)?
Is it the result of a recent change that has fully "settled in" yet?
Is it a temporary problem that will resolve itself over time based on expected events?
Some combo of these?

Based on the above, the best decision may be to make no decision, hold off on a decision, or proceed to step two.

2) Identify all alternative solutions.

3) Implement the best solution.

We're in step one. Some perceive a big problem with management, some don't. I'm more in the camp of "too soon to tell". And I honestly believe this is the case. So we can pitch our opinions, positive and negative, but at the end of the day.....

How 'bout this: Tell me all the mis-steps since Turley became CEO. This may reveal whether there is indeed a "problem" requiring urgent action.



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